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Touch Technique


T: Trigger – Take some time to slow down and identify what is triggering the response that you are having emotionally or physically. When you can understand the source of the internal response then you will be better equipped to handle the situation appropriately.

O: Observe – Allow yourself to observe what is happening for you emotions, physical responses, thoughts, etc. all without judgement. Just see what is happening, as a way to gather information.

U: Understand – Now you are going to take time to try and make connections to what is happening and the responses. Here you will make efforts to determine why the particular trigger caused the emotions to arise.  e.g. Why did Suzie taking away your crayon make you angry.

C: Contain It – If the emotion or thought is too challenging to deal with in the moment, you can utilize exercises to help yourself contain it for a time. Some things are better dealt with after the situation has resolved.

H: Hold onto it for Healing – It is important that you make time to come back to those thoughts and emotions that you put in the container. If you never come back to them to resolve it, then you will be no better off than if you were burying the emotions and letting them fester. When you are in a safe place to deal with them, process what happened so that you don’t need to keep the thoughts and feelings at bay.